This move is seen as a PR stunt by Dictador, which has been known for its technology-based stunts, such as offering the world's first tokenization of aged rum and selling rum via NFT. Despite this, the use of generative AI in decision-making is expected to increase in the future, with a McKinsey report predicting that AI could add between $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually to the global economy by 2040.
Key takeaways:
- Polish drinks company Dictador has appointed an AI robot named "Mika" as its CEO, a decision described as "revolutionary and bold" by Dictador Europe president Marek Szoldrowski.
- Mika's main responsibilities will be choosing artists to design custom bottles, with significant decisions like hiring and firing remaining in human hands.
- Despite being a PR stunt, the move highlights the increasing role of AI in decision-making within companies. A recent McKinsey report suggests AI could add between $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually to the global economy by 2040.
- Dictador has previously embraced technology-based stunts, including offering the world's first tokenization of aged rum and selling rum via NFT, which raised $25,000 for the company.