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Politician Admits He Used ChatGPT to Generate New Law

Dec 05, 2023 -
A city in southern Brazil has enacted the country's first legislation entirely written by the chatbot, ChatGPT. Porto Alegre city councilman Ramiro Rosário used the AI to draft a proposal aimed at preventing the city from forcing locals to pay for replacing stolen water consumption meters, without making any changes or revealing its AI origin. Rosário believes revealing the AI involvement would have risked the proposal being rejected.

The council president, Hamilton Sossmeier, only discovered the AI's involvement after the law passed and Rosário boasted about it on social media. Sossmeier has called this a "dangerous precedent", given ChatGPT's known flaws, including inventing facts and numbers. Despite this, some lawmakers, like Massachusetts state senator Barry Finegold, believe there is a place for AI in legislation drafting, provided it is used responsibly and transparently.

Key takeaways:

  • A city in southern Brazil has enacted the country's first legislation entirely written by the chatbot, ChatGPT.
  • City councilman Ramiro Rosário used ChatGPT to craft a proposal aimed at preventing the city from forcing locals to pay for replacing stolen water consumption meters, and did not reveal it was AI-generated.
  • Porto Alegre's council president Hamilton Sossmeier called Rosário's action a "dangerous precedent", highlighting concerns about ChatGPT's flawed connection to reality and tendency to invent facts.
  • Despite these concerns, some lawmakers argue there is a time and place for AI technology in legislation, provided it is used responsibly and transparently.
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