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Potis.AI | AI Recruiter for Remote Teams

Dec 04, 2024 - is an AI Recruiter designed to help teams attract top talent by handling routine tasks without cutting corners. The AI system offers a range of services including screening and assessment, interview assistance, and talent scoring. It provides automated behavioral interviews, preparing teams for online interviews, and finding the best talent on job boards and social networks.

The platform is optimized for teamwork, allowing all tools and data to be available to the entire team. It can be integrated into existing processes and landscapes without changing them. has already assessed over 100,000 candidates and has received positive feedback from users for its efficiency and effectiveness in the recruitment process.

Key takeaways:

  • Potis AI is an AI recruiter that helps teams attract top talents, automating routine tasks and providing detailed assessments of candidates.
  • The AI tool offers features such as automated behavioural interviews, interview assistance, and talent scoring, aiming to streamline the hiring process for remote tech teams.
  • Potis AI is designed to integrate seamlessly into existing processes and systems, with all tools and data available to the entire team and open for integration.
  • Testimonials from users highlight the efficiency of Potis AI in speeding up hiring processes, providing clear evaluations of candidates, and reducing time and cost spent on recruitment.
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