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Practice coding interview questions with hints from AI

Aug 18, 2023 -
Pgrammer is a platform designed to help individuals prepare for coding interviews. Unlike traditional methods like LeetCode, Pgrammer offers a personalized learning experience with features such as coding challenge questions, customizable difficulty levels, support for over 20 programming languages, real-time hints, solution analysis, and the ability to save coding challenge history. The platform offers a free starter package, as well as a premium package at $8/month billed yearly.

The platform was created by engineers who have excelled at top FAANG companies and understand the challenges of preparing for coding interviews. Pgrammer uses AI to determine realistic interview questions based on the user's level of expertise and offers hints and feedback on the user's code. The platform supports over 20 programming languages and is capable of conducting an interview, interpreting code, and providing deep analysis of solutions.

Key takeaways:

  • Pgrammer is a platform that provides a personalized learning experience for coding interview practice, offering real-time hints and solution analysis.
  • It offers a diverse set of questions for over 20 programming languages and provides feedback after submission, blending positivity and improvement points.
  • The platform uses AI to determine the difficulty level of the questions based on the level of engineer you are interviewing as, and allows you to ask for hints or feedback at any point.
  • Pgrammer supports over 20 languages and various frameworks, and uses GPT4 to interact with your code, making it capable of understanding many languages.
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