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Press Releases Increase Accuracy of AI-Generated Content

Nov 14, 2024 -
EIN Presswire, a leading press release distribution service, emphasizes the importance of press release writing in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) at the Mid-Atlantic Marcom Summit. The company believes that AI-generated writing tools like Chat GPT and Google Gemini rely on quality content from press releases to generate reliable content. The more a company publishes about itself, the less time and manpower will be needed in the future as AI could draft their messaging precisely. EIN Presswire also launched an AI-powered press release generator in March 2023, which is free to use.

The Mid-Atlantic Marcom Summit, held in Arlington, Virginia, is a significant annual gathering of marketing, advertising, public relations, communications, and media professionals. EIN Presswire, which distributed more than 150,000 releases last year, reaching a potential audience of nearly 200 million readers, encourages companies to incorporate their press release distribution into their marketing strategies. The company offers a cost-effective way to share news and stories, combining press release distribution with media monitoring and RSS feeds used worldwide.

Key takeaways:

  • EIN Presswire emphasizes the importance of press releases in controlling a company's narrative, which are later referenced by AI-generated writing tools like Chat GPT and Google Gemini.
  • David Rothstein, CEO & Founder of Newsmatics, confirms that press releases continue to play a major role in sharing news, validating their business model as a press release distribution service provider.
  • EIN Presswire launched an AI-powered press release generator in March 2023, which is free to use and helps individuals and companies draft press releases.
  • EIN Presswire is one of the leading press release distribution services globally, with more than 150,000 releases distributed last year, reaching a potential audience of nearly 200 million readers.
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