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Professional AI Headshots in minutes

Oct 27, 2023 -
The article recommends uploading a minimum of four front-facing photos without objects like hats and glasses for optimal results. The accepted file formats are JPG/JPEG, PNG, and WebP. If you have HEIC formatted photos from your iPhone, you need to disable the live mode. The AI-generated headshots usually take between 25 and 30 minutes, but it may take longer if the servers are busy.

The payment service is secure, using Stripe for financial processing, and no card information is stored. All data is stored on secure servers provided by third-party partners. Refunds can be requested provided the AI hasn't been trained yet, by sending an email to the provided address.

Key takeaways:

  • A minimum of 4 photos are recommended for best results, and they should be front facing without objects like hats and glasses.
  • The accepted file formats are JPG/JPEG, PNG, and WebP. HEIC formatted photos need to be disabled from live mode.
  • The AI generated headshots usually take between 25 and 30 minutes, but it could take longer if the servers are busy.
  • Refunds can be requested provided the AI hasn't been trained yet, and requests should be sent to
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