ProJourney simplifies the process of AI image creation by providing access to Midjourney's generator without the need for Discord, enabling easy text-prompted generation of high-quality images. The service has been used by many users to generate a variety of images, which are showcased on the platform. ProJourney is currently offering a free trial for users to experience the power of generative AI.
Key takeaways:
- ProJourney offers private AI image generation, allowing creators to generate high-quality images without sharing them publicly on Discord.
- ProJourney provides different features such as text to image, upload images, and zoom out to train the AI model.
- ProJourney showcases images generated by its users, demonstrating the capabilities of the AI image generator.
- ProJourney simplifies AI image creation by giving you access to Midjourney's generator without Discord, enabling easy text-prompted generation of high-quality images.