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Publishing AI Slop Is a Choice

May 25, 2024 -
The article criticizes Google's decision to hastily implement AI features in its search engine, which has resulted in numerous errors and online backlash. Industry insiders have criticized Google for these missteps, while financial analysts argue that the company had to move quickly to keep up with competitors, even if it meant skipping steps and dealing with growing pains.

The author disagrees with this perspective, arguing that there was no immediate need for Google to enable these features. They believe that the company's rush to stay ahead has led to a decline in the quality of search results and has turned Google Search into a joke. The author suggests that Google's most valuable asset is the trust it has built with users over the past 25 years, and that the company is eroding this trust by publishing AI-generated errors.

Key takeaways:

  • Google has been criticized for errors in its AI search, with some suggesting the company is rushing to keep up with competitors.
  • Analysts argue that Google needs to move quickly, even if it means skipping steps and dealing with growing pains.
  • The author disagrees, arguing that Google's rush to implement new features is eroding the trust it has built with users over the years.
  • The author suggests that being 'behind' might be preferable if the alternative is publishing low-quality, AI-generated content.
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