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Q&A with Sam Altman on why he was fired from OpenAI, returning to the company, improving the governance structure, the Q* model, lessons from the saga, and more

Nov 30, 2023 -
This Techmeme archive page from November 29, 2023, provides a comprehensive overview of the day's top tech news and social media discussions. The news sources mentioned include OpenAI, Decrypt, Financial Times, GeekWire, Axios, Engadget, Washington Post, TechCrunch, MarketWatch, Wall Street Journal, The Information, VentureBeat, Bloomberg, Reuters, Cointelegraph, CNBC, Cryptopolitan, Wired, CoinGape, Axios, Analytics India Magazine, and MobileSyrup. The page also highlights discussions from various social media platforms including Twitter and Mastodon, featuring notable tech personalities and influencers.

The page also includes a section on sponsor posts, job openings in tech, and an about section explaining the nature of the page. It also provides a snapshot of how the site appeared at 11:20 PM ET on November 29, 2023. The page also features a section from Mediagazer with news about media, upcoming tech events, and more news. The news topics covered range from Amazon Web Services, Netflix, Google DeepMind, Spotify, SoFi, and more. The page ends with a section on earlier picks, featuring more tech news and discussions.

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