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Qloo raises $25M to predict your favorite movies, TV shows and more | TechCrunch

Feb 21, 2024 -
Qloo, a New York-based startup, uses AI to identify nuanced taste and culture patterns, uncovering consumer behaviors and trends across various sectors. The company was founded in 2012 by Alex Elias and Jay Alger, with the aim of understanding and predicting personal tastes across different domains without relying on identity-based data. Qloo offers AI-generated correlation data across many culture and entertainment domains, and its technology enables personalized suggestions and deep insights into the connections behind people's tastes.

The company has raised $25 million in a Series C funding round, bringing its total raised to $60 million. With this new capital, Qloo plans to expand its team and pursue strategic acquisitions. The startup is also developing a self-service research tool for marketers and small businesses, and a "multi-person recommendation AI" for use in dating apps. Major customers such as Starbucks, Hershey’s, Michelin, and Netflix are using Qloo's technology to enhance their product experiences.

Key takeaways:

  • Qloo, a New York-based startup, uses AI to identify and understand nuanced taste and culture patterns, aiming to uncover consumer behaviors and trends across various sectors.
  • The company offers AI-generated correlation data across many culture and entertainment domains, using knowledge of a user's taste in one category to deliver suggestions in another.
  • Qloo has raised $25 million in a Series C round, bringing its total raised to $60 million, and plans to expand its team and pursue strategic acquisitions.
  • Despite handling a large amount of personal data, Qloo asserts that it does not rely on personally identifiable information and complies with privacy laws including GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act.
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