In addition to this, Qualcomm is also trying to compete with Apple on desktop chips with its Snapdragon X Elite chip, which it claims can outperform Apple’s M2-Max silicon in every category and run generative AI on-device up to 13 billion parameters. However, the real-world performance of these upcoming flagship devices remains to be seen, with specific use cases expected to emerge by 2024.
Key takeaways:
- Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip is set to enhance AI capabilities, with the new version of the Hexagon processor being 98% faster and 40% more efficient per watt than last year’s Gen 2.
- The Gen 3 platform promises compatibility with features like Magic Eraser to remove objects from pictures and videos and an AI chatbot assistant based on Meta’s Llama 2 language model.
- Qualcomm is also attempting to compete with Apple on desktop chips with its Snapdragon X Elite chip, claiming it can outperform Apple’s M2-Max silicon in every category.
- Despite the hype, the real test will be how well these upcoming flagship devices perform in real conditions, with results expected to be seen by 2024.