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Record Label Execs Tells TikTok That Exploiting Artists Is Their Job

Jan 31, 2024 -
Universal Music Group (UMG) is set to remove its entire library of songs from TikTok due to a failure to renew its contract with the social media platform. UMG accuses TikTok of underpaying artists and not protecting them from AI, criticizing the platform for building a music-based business without paying fair value for the music. The record label also condemns TikTok's tactics of using its platform power to exploit vulnerable artists and intimidate UMG into accepting a deal that undervalues music and shortchanges artists, songwriters, and fans.

However, UMG's accusations are seen as hypocritical given the record industry's notorious reputation for exploiting artists. UMG itself has been criticized for offering low-paying, exploitative deals to young artists. The label is also accused of licensing out the voices of its artists to AI, a practice it criticizes TikTok for. The decision to remove UMG's music from TikTok is seen less as a defense of artists and more as a move to ensure UMG gets paid.

Key takeaways:

  • Universal Music Group (UMG) is expected to remove its entire library of songs from TikTok due to a failure to renew its contract with the social media platform.
  • UMG accuses TikTok of unfairly paying artists and not protecting them from AI, despite the music industry's own history of exploiting artists.
  • UMG is threatening to pull the music catalogs of artists such as Bad Bunny and Ariana Grande off TikTok, claiming it is in the best interest of its artists.
  • UMG's decision to pull its music from TikTok may not be a morally righteous stance in defense of artists, but rather a move to ensure they get paid.
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