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Replacing the bad flyback transformer in Apple's Studio Display 17-inch

Aug 05, 2023 -
The article discusses the common issue of a defective flyback transformer in the Apple Studio Display 17" model, which was introduced in 1999. The author shares his experience of purchasing one of these models from a local electronics recycler, unaware of the model's reputation for poor reliability. The main symptom of the issue is a "snap" sound and a temporary disappearance or dimming of the picture, which is caused by the flyback arcing and losing its charge.

The author suggests a potential solution to the problem, which is replacing the faulty transformer with a 46162 model from a Spanish company. However, he warns that this repair should ideally be done by a professional due to the high voltages involved. If the monitor is not repaired in time, it could eventually fail completely. The author also provides a detailed guide on how to replace the transformer and adjust the focus and screen brightness.

Key takeaways:

  • The Apple Studio Display 17" introduced in 1999 had a common issue with a defective flyback transformer, leading to the monitor's failure.
  • A Spanish company, HR Diemen, produces a replacement flyback transformer (model 46162) that can be used to repair the Apple Studio Display.
  • Repairing the monitor involves high voltages and should ideally be done by a professional or someone with knowledge of CRTs. The process involves disassembling the monitor, replacing the flyback transformer and a capacitor, and adjusting the focus and screen brightness.
  • The author advises to repair the monitor before it completely fails, as it could potentially damage other components. If repair is not possible, the monitor should be used sparingly.
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