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Research paper downloads act as proxy for academics’ real-world influence

Nov 08, 2024 -
The article discusses the impact of business research papers, measured by downloads from non-academic readers such as industry leaders and policymakers, using data from SSRN, a free online platform for scholarly research. The most downloaded papers include studies on US bank fragility, the effects of AI on worker productivity, return-to-office mandates, and sustainable investing. SSRN helps bridge the gap between research and publication, providing early access to research and real-time insights on trending topics.

The article also highlights the real-world implications of these studies. For instance, the study on US bank fragility calls for regulatory intervention to prevent bank failures, while the AI study explores the potential for AI to improve worker productivity. The research on return-to-office mandates suggests such mandates are more about managerial control than improving profits, and the sustainable investing paper argues for a more nuanced approach to investment strategies to achieve genuine environmental progress.

Key takeaways:

  • The impact of a research paper is now also measured by the number of times it is downloaded by non-academic readers, reflecting its real-world interest and application.
  • SSRN, a free online platform, allows users to access and share scholarly research, bridging the gap between research and publication and providing real-time insights on trending topics.
  • Research papers on topics like US bank fragility, AI in business, return-to-office mandates, and sustainable investing are among the most downloaded, indicating their relevance and impact in the current scenario.
  • These research papers not only influence the academic community but also have the potential to shape decisions and spark innovation in the global marketplace, policymakers, regulators, and the broader public.
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