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Researchers are helping robots teach themselves to open dishwashers and doors | TechCrunch

Aug 16, 2023 -
ETH Zurich has developed a new model for robotic movement that requires minimal human guidance. The three-step process involves a user describing the scene and action, the system planning a route, and then refining that route into a minimal viable path. The system can determine how the robot should move, what forces it should exert, what limbs it should use, and when and where it should establish or break contact with an object.

The system is divided into two categories: object-centric and robot-centric. The former involves tasks like opening a door, while the latter involves moving the robot around objects. The team says the system can be adapted for different form factors and is a step towards developing fully autonomous robots.

Key takeaways:

  • New research from ETH Zurich has developed a model for robots that requires minimal manual guidance. The process involves the user describing the scene and action, the system planning a route, and then refining the route into a minimal viable path.
  • The system is divided into two main categories: object-centric and robot-centric. Object-centric tasks involve actions like opening a door, while robot-centric tasks involve moving the robot around objects.
  • The system can be adapted for different form factors and has been demonstrated on a quadruped robot, ANYbotics’ ANYmal, which was spun out of ETH Zurich.
  • The team believes this work can serve as a stepping stone to developing fully autonomous systems that can perform tasks like opening doors without any human intervention.
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