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Researchers Unveil Novel Algorithm Promising Safety for Self-Driving Cars

Sep 16, 2023 -
Researchers from NYU Tandon School of Engineering have developed an algorithm, Neurosymbolic Meta-Reinforcement Lookahead Learning (NUMERLA), to improve the safety and adaptability of self-driving cars. The algorithm dynamically adjusts safety parameters in real time, enabling autonomous vehicles to navigate unfamiliar and changing scenarios while maintaining safety. It uses accumulated data to understand current circumstances, anticipate future performance, and adjust its knowledge base and operating protocol accordingly.

NUMERLA also integrates lookahead symbolic constraints, allowing the vehicle to make informed predictions about its future mode and incorporate safety considerations. In tests emulating urban environments, the algorithm demonstrated superior capabilities in handling jaywalkers compared to other algorithms. The research, conducted by Quanyan Zhu and Ph.D. candidate Haozhe Lei, is available on the preprint server arXiv.

Key takeaways:

  • A team of researchers from NYU Tandon School of Engineering has developed an algorithm called Neurosymbolic Meta-Reinforcement Lookahead Learning (NUMERLA) that could improve the safety and adaptability of self-driving cars.
  • NUMERLA works by dynamically adjusting safety parameters in real time, allowing autonomous vehicles to better navigate unpredictable scenarios while maintaining safety.
  • The algorithm integrates lookahead symbolic constraints, enabling the vehicle to make informed predictions about its future mode and incorporate safety considerations.
  • In tests, NUMERLA demonstrated superior capabilities in handling jaywalkers compared to other algorithms.
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