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Robust AI’s Carter Pro robot is designed to work with, and be moved by, humans | TechCrunch

Nov 17, 2024 -
Robust AI's Carter Pro robot is designed to navigate warehouse aisles, with a unique feature that allows humans to manually move it around. This is a significant safety feature in a world where humans and robots are increasingly working side by side. The robot also senses the force being applied and adjusts accordingly, and has a bright orange handlebar for single-handed control. The company's CTO, Rodney Brooks, also highlights the use of cameras instead of lidar, a growing trend among autonomous mobile robot makers.

DHL is the first large customer for the Carter Pro, but Robust AI is keen to diversify its client portfolio. Brooks emphasizes the importance of not relying on a single customer, citing the example of Walmart, which shut down its robotics operations, leaving its robotics suppliers in trouble. He assures that DHL will only get a certain percentage of the robots they build, as they aim to have a broader customer base.

Key takeaways:

  • The Carter Pro robot from Robust AI is designed to work alongside humans in a warehouse setting, with a focus on safety and human-robot interaction.
  • Unlike many other autonomous robots, Carter Pro uses cameras instead of lidar for navigation, a trend that is growing among autonomous mobile robot makers.
  • Robust AI has already begun testing an early version of the system with a number of partners, and DHL is the first large customer to be publicly announced.
  • Despite the partnership with DHL, Robust AI is aiming to diversify its client portfolio to avoid over-reliance on a single customer.
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