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Run Llama 2 on your own Mac using LLM and Homebrew

Aug 01, 2023 -
The article provides a detailed guide on how to install and use Llama 2, a Large Language Model, on a Mac using a new plugin for the LLM utility. The author explains the installation process, which involves using Homebrew, pip, or pipx to install the LLM CLI tool, and then installing the llm-llama-cpp plugin and the llama-cpp-python bindings. The author also provides instructions on how to download a model, run a prompt, and access logged responses.

The second part of the article discusses potential improvements and open questions about the LLM tool. The author invites contributions to speed up the LLM prompts, ensure the tool is using the GPU on Mac, test its compatibility with Linux and Windows, explore llama-cpp-python options for better performance, and identify interesting models to experiment with. The author also mentions the availability of a Python API for the LLM tool and a tutorial for writing a plugin to support a new model.

Key takeaways:

  • Llama 2 is a Large Language Model released by Meta AI, and a new plugin has been released for the LLM utility that supports Llama 2 and other llama-cpp compatible models.
  • The article provides detailed instructions on how to install Llama 2 on a Mac, including how to install the LLM CLI tool, the llm-llama-cpp plugin, and how to download a model.
  • The LLM tool logs all prompts and responses to a SQLite database, and it also includes a Python API for interacting with language models.
  • The author identifies several areas for potential improvement, including speeding up the Llama prompts, ensuring the tool is using the GPU on a Mac, testing the tool on Linux and Windows, and exploring different options for getting better performance out of different models.
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