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Safarization of ChatGPT – mücehhez

Apr 05, 2024 -
The article discusses the simplified action areas in chat and conversation pages of a certain application. The chat page includes a back button, text bar, and chat settings, while the conversation page features version/mode selection, starting a new conversation, and profile plus quick settings. The article also highlights the easy customization of the application, allowing users to change everything from font styles to the colors of each element.

Additionally, the article mentions some extras such as draft animation and the ability to access the design file via Figma Community. The author also hints at sharing more interactions in the future and asks readers for their preference between slower and faster animations. The article was first published on April 5, 2024.

Key takeaways:

  • The action areas in the chat and conversation pages have been simplified into two sections.
  • Users can easily customize everything from font styles to the colors of each element.
  • Extras include draft animation and access to the editable design file via Figma Community.
  • The author is considering sharing more interactions and asks readers for their preference between slower and faster animations.
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