Samsung has not clarified what will enable the on-device part of the Galaxy AI experience. The company recently announced its new Exynos 2400 chip for premium phones, which has on-device AI. However, Samsung's phones sometimes use Qualcomm's Snapdragon chips. Qualcomm has been promoting on-device generative AI, claiming it offers privacy, personalization, and reduced data center emissions. Samsung is the first phone maker to join chipmakers like Qualcomm in promoting generative AI on phones, which could change how we use our handsets in the future.
Key takeaways:
- Samsung has announced Gauss, its generative AI model, and Galaxy AI, which aims to bring an AI experience to mobile devices.
- Galaxy AI will feature a new function called AI Live Translate Call, which will allow real-time translation of audio and text on the latest Galaxy AI phone.
- The company has not specified which devices will use Galaxy AI or what will enable the on-device part of the Galaxy AI experience.
- Samsung is the first phone manufacturer to join chipmakers like Qualcomm and MediaTek in promoting generative AI on phones, with these new AI tools and assistants expected to change how we use our handsets from 2024.