Samsung promises seven years of OS upgrades and security updates for the Galaxy S24 series, starting with Android 14. The Galaxy S24 is the second Android device to run a Gemini Nano model after Google's Pixel 8 Pro. The integration of Google Gemini in the Galaxy S24 series signifies a significant collaboration between Samsung and Google, offering cutting-edge AI capabilities and a more intelligent and efficient user experience.
Key takeaways:
- The Samsung Galaxy S24 series integrates Google's advanced AI model, Gemini, offering a suite of new features and enhancing user experience across various applications.
- The Galaxy S24 series utilizes Gemini Pro and Nano to deliver AI-powered features, including advanced summarization capabilities, enhanced photo editing with Imagen 2 technology, and new features in Google Messages.
- The Galaxy S24 introduces novel interaction methods such as 'Circle to Search' and 'Magic Compose in Google Messages', and promises seven years of OS upgrades and security updates, starting with Android 14 out of the box.
- Samsung will be one of the first to test Gemini Ultra, Google's largest model for highly complex tasks, and the Galaxy S24 is the second Android device to run a Gemini Nano model after Google's Pixel 8 Pro.