Samsung also plans to release the Galaxy S24 based on its Generative AI model as early as 2024. The company has also established an AI Red Team to monitor security and privacy issues related to AI use. Samsung's launch of its generative AI model comes after a temporary ban on generative AI tools on its devices following an internal data leak.
Key takeaways:
- Samsung has unveiled its own generative AI model, Samsung Gauss, which includes three tools: Samsung Gauss Language, Samsung Gauss Code, and Samsung Gauss Image.
- Samsung Gauss Language is a large language model that can understand human language and answer questions, while Samsung Gauss Code is designed to assist developers in writing code quickly.
- Samsung Gauss Image will be an image generation and editing feature, capable of converting low-resolution images into high-resolution ones.
- The company plans to incorporate these AI models into its devices and aims to release Galaxy S24 based on its Generative AI model as early as 2024. Samsung has also set up an AI Red Team to monitor security and privacy issues related to AI use.