The model is available for free, non-commercial use on, where users can experience its capabilities firsthand. For more technical engagement, the model weights and code can be downloaded from repositories like Hugging Face. SDXL Turbo is optimized for generating 512x512 pixel images and can be integrated into applications, adhering to the non-commercial license terms. The model is continuously improved and updated, with a focus on enhancing performance, expanding capabilities, and ensuring ethical AI practices.
Key takeaways:
- SDXL Turbo is a revolutionary text-to-image generation model that uses Adversarial Diffusion Distillation (ADD) technology for rapid, high-quality image generation.
- The model is versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications, including video games, virtual reality, content creation, and research projects.
- SDXL Turbo's model weights and code are readily available for researchers and AI enthusiasts on platforms like Hugging Face and GitHub.
- SDXL Turbo is available for free, non-commercial use on, where users can experience and test its capabilities.