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SenseTime says co-founder Tang Xiao'ou, who was also a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, died of an unspecified illness on December 15 at age 55

Dec 17, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from December 17, 2023, providing a snapshot of the site's content at 12:10 AM ET. The page features top news from various sources including The Verge,, Hindustan Times, Digiday, and Daring Fireball, with threads from numerous Twitter users. Additional news is provided from sources such as nextpit, WVFRM Podcast on YouTube, Gizmodo, and Social Media Today, with more threads from Twitter users. The page also includes sections for sponsor posts, tech hiring, and upcoming tech events.

The page also features a section titled "More News" with sources such as Sotheby's, ARTnews, Artnet News, Observer, and EmageNewsDAO, and a section titled "Earlier Picks" with sources including KCC Class Action Services LLC, Cryptopolitan, Redmond Pie, The Tech Report, Supercharged, iPhone in Canada Blog, 9to5Mac, TechCrunch, Benzinga, The Economic Times, Engadget, Business Times, The Verge, AppleInsider, and Cord Cutters News. The page concludes with a brief about section and links to Mediagazer articles.

Key takeaways:

The provided text is a collection of references, mentions, and links from a Techmeme archive page and does not contain a specific article or content to extract key points or takeaways from. It includes various news sources, Twitter threads, and upcoming tech events, but no specific article or topic is discussed in detail. Therefore, it's not possible to provide four key bullet points or takeaways.
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