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Shortwave email client will show AI-powered summaries automatically | TechCrunch

Jan 29, 2024 -
Shortwave, an email client developed by ex-Google engineers, is introducing new AI-powered features, including instant summaries, a writing assistant, and multi-select AI actions. The instant summaries, which provide a one-sentence overview of an email or thread, are automatically generated and can be expanded upon request. The AI-powered assistant, which aids in drafting emails, web searches, and answering thread-related queries, is now available on iOS and Android. The multi-select AI option allows users to select multiple threads and ask the assistant questions about them.

The company is also launching an AI-powered autocomplete feature, similar to Gmail's smart autocomplete, which can write longer sentences based on the user's writing style. This feature, however, is only available to Pro and Business plan users. Shortwave has also revised its pricing structure, now offering a $7 per month personal plan, a $24 per month Pro plan, and a $24 per month business plan for teams. The company is focusing on expanding its business and enterprise plans, citing high demand for AI-powered email writing and searching.

Key takeaways:

  • Shortwave, an email client developed by ex-Google engineers, is introducing new AI-powered features including instant summaries, a writing assistant, and multi-select AI actions.
  • The instant summary feature automatically provides a one-sentence summary of an email or thread, which can be expanded upon request. This feature is designed to help users quickly navigate through multiple emails.
  • Shortwave's AI assistant, which assists with drafting emails, web searches, and answering questions about active threads, is being extended to iOS and Android apps. However, some features, such as searching through emails, are only available to paid users.
  • Shortwave is also introducing an AI-powered autocomplete feature, similar to Gmail's smart autocomplete, but capable of writing longer sentences. This feature will be available only to Pro and Business plan users.
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