However, some users have suggested improvements, such as the ability to start their own topics. There were also minor issues with the 'stars category' and the 'days left' feature. The app's privacy practices include handling data linked and not linked to the user's identity. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, and Apple Vision, and it's free to download.
Key takeaways:
- The app, Sine AI, offers features such as in-depth personality and psychology quizzes, personalized daily affirmations, astrological insights, and intuitive tarot readings.
- The latest version of the app, updated on Feb 11, 2024, includes simple bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Users have given positive reviews, praising the social feature, clean UI, intuitive interaction, and daily motivation. Some users have suggested improvements such as the ability to start their own topics.
- The app's privacy practices may include handling of data linked to your identity, such as contact info and user content, as well as data not linked to your identity, such as usage data and diagnostics.