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Sixty AI

Oct 24, 2023 -
The article discusses Sixty, an AI technology designed to manage tasks and highlight what needs attention, thereby helping users reclaim their time. It focuses on tasks such as clearing inboxes, scheduling, drafting agendas, and preparing briefings, allowing users to concentrate on what matters most.

The article also introduces #tbyt, a movement aimed at changing attitudes and behaviors about time in our technology-driven era. It emphasizes that Sixty is powered by the users and is created with a love for time, suggesting that people are paying attention to this new way of managing time.

Key takeaways:

  • Sixty’s AI manages tasks and highlights what needs your attention, helping to bring clarity from chaos.
  • Sixty is designed to help you take back your time by handling tasks such as clearing inboxes, scheduling, drafting agendas and preparing briefings.
  • People are paying attention to the benefits of using Sixty.
  • #tbyt is a movement encouraging a change in attitude and behaviors about time, highlighting the current technology-driven time crisis.
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