In other news, Snapchat has launched a new feature called "Dreams," which allows users to create AI-generated selfies. Accessible in Snapchat's camera roll Memories, the feature uses generative AI technology to transform user selfies into imaginative avatars. Users submit a series of selfies, which serve as the foundation for creating these avatars. The AI model then generates a range of eight-photo packs for users to choose from, each with a different theme.
Key takeaways:
- MTV has partnered with Snapchat to allow users to vote for a Video Music Awards (VMAs) category through the platform's augmented reality (AR) Lenses.
- The collaboration integrates Snap's Camera Kit into the award show, bringing interactive AR experiences to the forefront. Users can vote for the Best New Artist using a specially designed Lens.
- This partnership marks the first time an award show has utilized the Camera Kit. Previously, Snapchat has partnered with music festivals, artists, and sports events to introduce AR experiences.
- Snapchat has also introduced a new feature called "Dreams," which allows users to create AI-generated selfies. The feature uses a series of user-submitted selfies to create imaginative avatars.