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Sources: Social Capital fired two of its partners after they tried to raise ~$2M from outside the firm for AI chipmaker Groq, which rankled Chamath Palihapitiya

Mar 16, 2024 -
This markdown data appears to be a snapshot of the Techmeme website on March 15, 2024, at 7:35 PM. It includes a list of top news sources and articles, mentions of various tech-related threads and posts, and references to multiple tech events. The data also provides information about hiring in tech, a brief about the page, and upcoming tech events.

The news sources and articles cover a wide range of topics, from business and finance to technology and digital trends. Some of the mentioned sources include Bloomberg, The Information, AppleInsider, Associated Press, Business Insider, Wall Street Journal, and more. The threads and posts mentioned are from various users discussing different tech-related topics. The data also includes a list of tech companies that are hiring and information about upcoming tech events.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but the provided text seems to be a list of various news sources and articles rather than a single coherent article. Therefore, it's not possible to extract four key bullet points or takeaways from it. Please provide a specific article for analysis.
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