Sources: two congressional Republicans prepare an age verification bill that puts the onus for age verification on app store operators, boosting Meta's campaign
Nov 21, 2024 -
This Techmeme archive page provides a snapshot of the site as it appeared at 11:20 AM ET, November 21, 2024. It includes top news from various sources such as The Verge, The Guardian, Gizmodo, The Register, Thurrott, The Wrap, MediaPost, MSPoweruser, TechSpot, Fast Company, Search Engine Journal, Android Headlines, The i Paper,, WinBuzzer, BetaNews, Android Authority,, Android Police, The Information, Wall Street Pit, ITPro, Silicon UK, and It also features sponsor posts from Tribe AI, a company that helps organizations rapidly deploy AI solutions that have real business impact.
The page also includes a section on who's hiring in tech, upcoming tech events, and more news from sources like ZDNET, Business Today, Tech in Asia, Devdiscourse News Desk, Recent Movie Reviews, Cryptopolitan, Inc, The Economist,, PCMag, Mashable, Reuters, Notebookcheck, and Shelly Palmer. It also features earlier picks from The Verge, The Trade Desk, Ad Age, Marketing Dive, Light Reading, The Information, Benzinga, MediaPost, Benzinga, Digiday, Adweek, Digiday, and The Desk.
Key takeaways:
This is a Techmeme archive page showing how the site appeared at 11:20 AM ET, November 21, 2024.
The page includes top news from various sources including The Verge, The Guardian, Gizmodo, The Register, Thurrott, The Wrap, MediaPost, MSPoweruser, TechSpot, Fast Company, and many more.
The page also features sponsor posts, hiring in tech, upcoming tech events, and more news from different sources.
There are also mentions of key figures and organizations in the tech industry, including LinkedIn profiles and Twitter handles.