These tools are part of Springer Nature's commitment to ensuring the integrity of its published content and are being continually improved to stay ahead of fraudulent attempts. The company is also part of the STM Integrity Hub, a collaborative effort with the wider publishing community to share knowledge and develop shared technology tools.
Key takeaways:
- Springer Nature is implementing two new AI tools, Geppetto and SnappShot, to identify and prevent the publication of fraudulent research papers.
- Geppetto, developed by Slimmer AI Science division, detects AI-generated content, a common indicator of paper mill activity, by scoring the probability of text sections being AI generated.
- SnappShot is an AI-assisted image integrity analysis tool used to detect duplications in gel and blot images in PDF files, a known integrity issue in the industry.
- These tools are part of Springer Nature's commitment to ensuring the integrity of its published content, which also includes investment in a rapidly growing expert team and extensive technology development.