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Stable Diffusion 3 arrives to solidify early lead in AI imagery against Sora and Gemini | TechCrunch

Feb 22, 2024 -
Stability has announced the upcoming release of Stable Diffusion 3, its latest image-generating AI model. The new model, which uses an updated "diffusion transformer" and "flow matching" technique, is designed to work on a variety of hardware and is capable of multimodal understanding, video input, and generation. The model suite ranges from 800 million to 8 billion parameters, and while it requires a robust GPU and machine learning setup, it does not limit users to an API like OpenAI and Google models do.

The company has also emphasized safety in its announcement, stating that it has taken steps to prevent misuse of Stable Diffusion 3 by bad actors and has introduced numerous safeguards. The specifics of these safeguards will be detailed in the preview and further refined in the public release. Despite the competition and the theoretical nature of some capabilities, Stability's presence as a go-to model for image generation gives it a distinct advantage.

Key takeaways:

  • Stability has announced Stable Diffusion 3, a new and powerful version of their image-generating AI model, designed to compete with recent offerings from OpenAI and Google.
  • The new model is based on a new architecture and uses an updated 'diffusion transformer' and 'flow matching' techniques to improve quality without adding too much overhead.
  • Stable Diffusion 3 is capable of multimodal understanding, as well as video input and generation, and is designed to work on a variety of hardware, not just through an API like its competitors.
  • The company has emphasized safety in its announcement, stating that they have taken steps to prevent misuse of the model by bad actors, and will continue to do so throughout the model's testing, evaluation, and deployment.
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