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Startups learn the hard way that relying on OpenAI’s tech can burn them | TechCrunch

Nov 06, 2023 -
OpenAI's recent update to ChatGPT, which allows users to upload PDFs and ask questions about them, has posed a significant threat to many startups, especially 'wrapper startups'. These startups have built their businesses around a feature gap in ChatGPT, providing a service by 'wrapping' around an API like ChatGPT. The new feature update exposes the vulnerability of these startups as their unique selling proposition can be made redundant overnight.

The article emphasizes that this situation serves as a reminder to founders and investors about the importance of building a sustainable company with a solid, standalone product. It also highlights the risks startups take when they base their fortunes on extending the features and functionalities of larger corporations, as their unique selling points can be easily incorporated by these corporations, potentially leading to their downfall.

Key takeaways:

  • A recent update to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which allows users to upload PDFs and ask questions about them, poses a threat to many startups, especially 'wrapper startups'.
  • 'Wrapper products' are services that 'wrap' around an API like ChatGPT, using the underlying technology to offer a service not directly available from the API.
  • The update to ChatGPT shows the vulnerability of such startups, as their unique selling proposition can be made redundant by a feature update from the underlying technology provider.
  • This situation serves as a reminder to founders and investors that nothing can replace a sustainable company with a solid, standalone product.
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