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Supabase Studio 3.0: AI SQL Editor, Schema Diagrams, and new Wrappers

Aug 13, 2023 -
Supabase Studio 3.0 has introduced several new features including Supabase AI, integrated into the SQL Editor, Schema Visualizer, Role Management, Shared SQL Snippets, Database Migration UI, and Wrappers UI. The Supabase AI is designed to assist with common tasks such as creating tables, views, and indexes, writing database functions, and writing RLS policies. It can also modify SQL snippets in the editor based on user prompts. Other features include a Schema Visualizer for visualizing table schemas, Role Management for fine-grained access to table data, Shared SQL Snippets for team collaboration, Database Migration UI for tracking database changes, and Wrappers UI for querying foreign data.

The new features were largely driven by user requests and community contributions. The Schema Visualizer was integrated into the Studio following user demand for a tool like Zernonia's Supabase Schema visualization tool. Role Management, a common feature request, was almost entirely built by a community member. Shared SQL Snippets allows users to share their SQL snippets with team members. The Database Migration UI allows users to update their database using version-controlled SQL files. The Wrappers UI, announced during Launch Week 6, now supports six providers including S3, ClickHouse, BigQuery, and Logflare.

Key takeaways:

  • Supabase Studio 3.0 introduces several new features including Supabase AI in the SQL Editor, Schema Visualizer, Role Management, Shared SQL Snippets, Database Migration UI, and Wrappers UI.
  • Supabase AI is integrated into the SQL Editor, assisting with SQL writing and modifying SQL snippets based on user prompts.
  • Community contributions have played a significant role in the development of new features, such as the Schema Visualizer and Role Management.
  • Supabase Wrappers have expanded to support six providers, allowing Supabase projects to act as a hub for data from various sources.
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