The platform is privacy-focused, works everywhere, is self-hostable, and is affordable with a free tier. It integrates with Telegram and Twitter, with upcoming support for WhatsApp and SMS. Supermemory is open source, allowing users to deploy it themselves. It also offers a chrome extension, iOS shortcut, and API for content input. The platform is designed for individual or team use and includes features like powerful search, chat with collections, knowledge canvas, and a writing assistant. It is set to launch on July 1st, 2024.
Key takeaways:
- Supermemory is a tool designed to help users organize, search, and utilize saved information with features like a search engine, writing assistant, and canvas.
- The platform is privacy-focused, works everywhere, is self-hostable, and offers a generous free tier.
- Supermemory is open source and allows users to deploy it themselves for non-commercial use.
- The tool is set to launch on July 1st, 2024 and is currently accepting sign-ups for the waitlist.