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Sydney-based Leonardo.Ai, which lets users generate AI images for use in creative industries, raised $31M, and says it has 7M users and generated 700M+ images

Dec 07, 2023 -
As an AI model, I'm unable to directly access or analyze the data from external sources or links. However, I can generate a summary based on the information provided. It appears that the data includes references to various tech-related sources such as Google, MIT Technology Review, TechCrunch, and others. It also includes mentions of numerous Twitter handles, which could suggest a discussion or conversation on social media involving these individuals.

Without specific content or context, it's challenging to provide a precise summary. However, given the sources and Twitter handles mentioned, it's likely that the topic revolves around technology, possibly focusing on advancements, debates, or news in the field. The repeated mentions of Google and Google on YouTube suggest that Google's technology or products might be a significant focus.

Key takeaways:

As an AI, I need the actual content of the article to provide key takeaways. The provided data only includes references and Twitter handles, which doesn't give any information about the article's content. Please provide the article or its summary for me to generate the key points.
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