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Taiwan is using generative AI to fight Chinese disinfo

Sep 23, 2023 -
China is reportedly attacking Taiwan's information streams both physically and virtually, with incidents such as the severing of communication cables linking Taiwan's Matsu islands to the mainland. The Taiwanese government is helping citizens develop workarounds for these disruptions, while also preparing for China's increased efforts to manipulate Taiwanese civilians through coordinated messaging and influence campaigns. In response, Taiwan has developed new organizations like Cofacts, which allows users to forward dubious messages to a chatbot for fact-checking.

Generative AI tools are being used to counter these efforts, with large language models like ChatGPT being used to clarify disinformation. The U.S. intelligence community is also exploring the use of generative AI to raise productivity and better understand the development ecosystem for such tools. However, there are concerns that these powerful tools could be used by smaller nations or non-state actors to rival the capabilities of larger adversaries like China.

Key takeaways:

  • China is already attacking Taiwan's information streams both physically and virtually, with incidents such as the severing of communication cables and cyber attacks on commercial and public telecommunications channels.
  • The Taiwanese government and volunteers are preparing for China to increase efforts to manipulate Taiwanese civilians, especially as Taiwan approaches a pivotal presidential election in January.
  • Taiwan is using generative AI tools such as large language models to combat disinformation and influence campaigns. These tools can clarify disinformation and add context, helping to counter the efforts of Chinese-backed actors.
  • The U.S. intelligence community is also exploring the use of generative AI to raise productivity and better detect how adversaries will use such technology to attack the United States. However, there are concerns that these powerful tools could be used by smaller nations or non-state actors to rival the capabilities of larger adversaries.
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