The explicit images reportedly migrated to X from a Telegram channel dedicated to using AI to create abusive images of women. Since Musk took over the platform, formerly known as Twitter, in 2022, he has significantly reduced the content moderation team, leading to concerns about the platform's ability to handle rapidly spreading disinformation or explicit material. Despite X's statement that it is working to remove the images and monitor the situation, some images still appear to be circulating on the site.
Key takeaways:
- AI-generated explicit images of Taylor Swift went viral on Elon Musk's social media platform, X, causing outrage among her fans.
- One of the images remained on the site for 17 hours, attracting over 45 million views and 24,000 reposts before it was taken down.
- Since Musk took over the platform in 2022, he has significantly reduced the content moderation team, leading to concerns about the platform's ability to handle rapidly spreading disinformation or explicit content.
- The images were found to be migrating to X from a Telegram channel dedicated to using AI to create abusive images of women, raising concerns about the misuse of AI image generators.