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Teach mode, Rabbit's tool for automating R1 tasks, is now available to all users

Nov 21, 2024 -
Rabbit has released a significant update for its R1 device, which includes a new feature called "teach mode". This allows users to train the device's AI to automate tasks on any website, with the company's CEO, Jesse Lyu, demonstrating how it can be used to program automations. The tool is accessed through the Rabbithole hub and doesn't store any usernames or passwords, instead saving the cookie from the teach mode session for later use. Lyu believes the feature will be particularly useful for tasks involving multiple platforms, such as ordering groceries or navigating smart home automation systems.

Lyu envisions a future where users can sell their automations, with Rabbit taking a cut. While currently limited to websites, he suggests that the teach mode will eventually be able to use more complex apps like Excel, leading to the delivery of an artificial general intelligence. However, questions remain about whether people will pay for community lessons if they can replicate an automation themselves, and whether some platforms might block users from using teach mode. Despite these uncertainties, Rabbit is hopeful that R1 users will embrace teach mode, allowing the software to improve more quickly.

Key takeaways:

  • Rabbit is releasing a substantial update for its R1 device, including a 'teach mode' that allows users to train the device's AI model to automate tasks on any website.
  • The company's CEO, Jesse Lyu, envisions a future where users can sell their automations, with Rabbit taking a cut.
  • While the 'teach mode' is currently limited to navigating websites, it is suggested that it will eventually learn to use more complex apps like Excel, potentially leading to an artificial general intelligence.
  • Rabbit anticipates that most users will choose to download pre-made automations rather than creating their own, similar to the behavior observed in existing app stores.
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