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Teens had to view horrific stuff to train AI, report says

Nov 16, 2023 -
Wired reports that a 15-year-old boy in Pakistan earns money after school by logging into a site where he's paid to help train data sets used for AI, including tasks involving content moderation. The report raises concerns about the lax age verification processes of companies that use gig workers for training data, with some simply asking workers to confirm they are over 18.

The article highlights the potential exploitation of labor in developing countries to fuel Western technical innovation. It also raises concerns about the exposure of these workers, including young teenagers, to horrific and traumatic material during content moderation tasks.

Key takeaways:

  • A 15-year-old in Pakistan earns money by helping to train data sets used for AI, including tasks involving content moderation.
  • Many companies that use gig workers for training data can be lax with age verification, potentially allowing underage workers to view inappropriate content.
  • There is growing concern about the exploitation of labor in developing countries to fuel the technical innovation of the West, with content moderation for social media often outsourced to these regions.
  • Wired's report highlights the alarming fact that some of this work is being done by young teenagers, potentially exposing them to traumatic material.
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