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Testing OpenAI's New ChatGPT Search Engine - Video

Nov 06, 2024 -
The article discusses the features and functionality of OpenAI's new Chat GPT search engine, which is currently available for Chat GPT Plus subscribers, Chat GPT team users, and Search GPT waitlist users. The author, a Chat GPT Plus subscriber, demonstrates how to use the search engine by asking it various questions, such as information about Quincy Jones' most famous song and suggestions for activities in Monterey. The search engine provides answers in natural language, along with clickable links, citations, and news sources.

The author also mentions that Chat GPT has a Chrome extension that allows users to switch their default search to Chat GPT. The author demonstrates how to install and use the extension, and notes that it works automatically without needing to click on it to start a search. The author concludes by stating that OpenAI's new Chat GPT search engine is a direct competitor to Google's Gemini search engine.

Key takeaways:

  • Open AI's new chat GPT search is a direct competitor to Google's Gemini search engine, currently available for chat GPT plus subscribers, chat GPT team users and search GPT waitlist users.
  • Chat GPT search provides results in natural language and includes clickable links to sources and related content.
  • Chat GPT search also has a Chrome extension that allows users to switch their default search to chat GPT.
  • The search engine provides a variety of information, from trending topics to specific queries, and includes images, tips, and source citations in its results.
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