However, the move has been criticized as an ill-conceived trend and a desperate attempt to keep users engaged on its platforms. The AI personas have been described as hollow caricatures, with some of the worst examples including an AI relationship helper, a DIY influencer who can't show finished projects, and a sports enthusiast portrayed by Tom Brady. Critics argue that Meta is not breaking new ground, as virtual influencers were popularized by the likes of Lil Miquela, an artificial teenager with a music career.
Key takeaways:
- Meta has introduced 28 AI influencers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp, each with a unique personality and a likeness based on a celebrity or public figure.
- These AI influencers can interact with users through direct messages and post AI-generated content on their feeds. They may also feature occasional videos or selfies from the celebrities playing these AI characters.
- Meta's AI influencers are not a new concept, as virtual influencers have been popularized by figures like Lil Miquela, an artificial teenager with a music career.
- The article criticizes some of the AI personas as being cringe-worthy, poorly conceived, and failing to provide a genuine or useful interaction for users.