Asus introduced its controversial Zenbook Duo, while Sony unveiled new side covers for the recently released PS5 Slim. Fuse also presented a vertical record player with Bluetooth 5.0 support. Alienware stood out in the gaming monitors category with its 4K, 240Hz QD-OLED monitor. The Gizmodo team will continue to update on new products until the end of the show.
Key takeaways:
- CES 2024 showcased a variety of innovative gadgets, including LG's transparent OLED, Stern's Jaws Pinball Machine, and HP's redesigned Omen gaming laptop.
- Other notable products included MSI's handheld console, Razer's haptic system, and the N1, a 137-inch MicroLED 4K TV that can fold itself back into its base.
- Samsung's round robot, LG's CineBeam Qube projector, Asus' Zenbook Duo, and new side covers for the PS5 Slim were also highlighted.
- Lastly, Fuse's vertical record player with Bluetooth 5.0 support and Alienware's 4K, 240Hz QD-OLED gaming monitor were among the best gadgets presented at the show.