The introduction of AI in the workplace aligns with ongoing changes in leadership approaches. Instead of seniority being reflected by team size and budget, AI will shift the focus to the impact made on the company. This could lead to a restructuring of workloads, making individual workers more productive and changing the way leadership is measured.
Key takeaways:
- AI is expected to change not just the jobs of average workers, but also the roles of managers, making skills more important than scale.
- AI's role in the labor market is more complex than simply automating jobs away, according to Fabian Stephany from the Oxford Internet Institute.
- Companies are already starting to change their approach to leadership and management, rewarding managers for their impact on the company rather than the size of their team or budget.
- As AI restructures workloads and increases individual productivity, traditional measures of leadership like the number of direct reports or budget size may no longer be adequate, according to EY's global chief technology officer Nicola Morini Bianzino.