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The Data Poets

Jun 10, 2024 -
The article introduces the concept of Data Poets, a unique way of interpreting urban spaces through poetry. The Data Poets platform allows users to add context to their experiences, create poems from visual data like photographs, and interact with other users by upvoting, downvoting, and commenting on posts. This platform aims to give urban spaces a poetic meaning and allows users to express how these spaces make them feel.

By using Data Poets, users consent to the collection of their country, images, prompt input, votes, and comments. All the data collected, including poems, prompts, and images, are public and may be used for research, publications, and exhibitions. The data is anonymized unless users choose to use their real names. Users must consent to the terms and conditions and understand that this is not a commercial product.

Key takeaways:

  • The Data Poets is a platform that allows users to create poetic interpretations of urban spaces.
  • Users can add context to their entries, create poems from visual data, upvote or downvote posts, and add their own comments or poems.
  • By using the Data Poets, users consent to the collection of their country, images, prompt input, votes, and comments.
  • All data used is anonymised, unless the user chooses to use their own name as their username.
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