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The Download: Clear’s identity ambitions, and the climate blame game

Nov 20, 2024 -
The article discusses the expanding ambitions of Clear Secure, a biometric identity company best known for its airport line-jumping service. The company is now appearing in sports arenas and stadiums, and its identity verification platform can be used for various purposes such as renting tools at Home Depot, profile verification on LinkedIn, and identity verification for Uber riders. Clear aims to extend its services to retailers, banks, and doctor's offices. The article also highlights the rise of facial verification technology and its implications, the complexity of assigning blame for climate change, and a Cyber Week sale on subscriptions.

The article also presents a list of must-reads, including topics like AI translating voices in real-time, the availability of data tracking US soldiers, the growth of Bluesky's user base, Google's culture of concealment, and the infiltration of Project 2025 into the Trump administration. Other topics include the milestone in quantum computing, the change in political speech due to technology, lab-grown foie gras, AI navigation system development using Pokémon Go player data, and Minecraft's expansion into the real world. The article concludes with a discussion on the quest to determine if life exists outside our solar system.

Key takeaways:

  • Clear Secure, a biometric identity company, is expanding its services beyond airports to sports arenas, Home Depot, LinkedIn, Uber, and potentially retailers, banks, and doctor's offices.
  • LinkedIn Live is hosting a discussion on the rise of facial verification technology and the implications of giving up facial data.
  • Global greenhouse-gas emissions are projected to hit a new high in 2024, but assigning responsibility for climate change is complex.
  • The quest to determine if life exists outside our solar system has gained scientific traction over the past 50 years, with new tools like artificial intelligence aiding in the search.
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