In other news, Apple has finally switched to USB-C, abandoning its Lightning connector. This move was prompted by a European Union law. Meanwhile, the New York City Housing Authority has launched a Clean Heat for All Challenge, asking manufacturers to develop low-cost, easy-to-install heat-pump technologies for building retrofits. The initiative aims to address the deteriorating state of the city's aging apartments.
Key takeaways:
- Google is launching a new anti-censorship tool in response to actions by Iran's government during the 2022 protests. The tool aims to increase internet access for users living under authoritarian regimes worldwide.
- China is securing its supply chain for critical minerals, which are used in computer chips, precision weapons, and clean tech. The country's policies controlling the distribution of these minerals are significant.
- Apple is switching to USB-C, leaving behind its Lightning connector. This change has been enforced by a European Union law.
- The New York City Housing Authority has launched a Clean Heat for All Challenge, asking manufacturers to develop low-cost, easy-to-install heat-pump technologies for building retrofits. This move could be beneficial for the planet.