The newsletter also mentions Elon Musk endorsing an antisemitic post on an unspecified platform, causing a surge in antisemitic sentiment and prompting IBM to pull its ads from the platform. Other news includes the delay of SpaceX's rocket launch, the approval of the first CRISPR medicine in the UK, and the sale of surveillance tools by data broker LexisNexis to US border enforcement. The newsletter concludes with a feature on the burnout problem in responsible AI teams, citing the experience of Margaret Mitchell, chief ethics scientist at AI startup Hugging Face.
Key takeaways:
- Elon Musk has endorsed an antisemitic post on a platform referred to as 'X', causing a surge in antisemitic sentiment and prompting IBM to pull its ads from the platform.
- Text-to-image AI models can be manipulated to generate disturbing images, highlighting the vulnerability of existing AI safety filters and the need for improved security measures.
- Virtual reality devices like Smileyscope are being used to alleviate pain during medical procedures, transforming the experience into a virtual adventure.
- Burnout is becoming increasingly common in responsible AI teams, with the high-pressure environment and lack of support contributing to mental health issues among practitioners.