The Pixel 8 Pro will reportedly have a superior camera system, featuring a new 48MP ultrawide camera with a 125.5-degree field of view and a 48MP telephoto. Both the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro will have a 50MP wide camera. The Pixel 8 will also have a 12MP ultrawide camera, similar to the Pixel 7 Pro, but with an increased field of view from 114 degrees to 125.8.
Key takeaways:
- The Pixel 8 camera specs and a new AI promo video were revealed, showing how Google plans to integrate more AI into its flagship smartphones.
- Magic Editor, a supercharged version of Magic Eraser, will be available on select Pixel phones, allowing users to edit and combine photos for the perfect shot.
- The Pixel 8 will feature new DSLR-style manual camera controls, including the ability to adjust shutter speed and ISO, as well as a focus slider.
- The Pixel 8 Pro will have a superior camera system with a 48MP ultrawide camera and a 48MP telephoto, while both versions will have a 50MP wide camera.