The photo was initially released amidst rumors regarding Middleton's extended absence from public view following her abdominal surgery in January. However, the controversy surrounding the photo has only fueled further speculation and conspiracy theories. The incident highlights the increasing public concern over artificial intelligence's ability to create realistic images and the potential for manipulation.
Key takeaways:
- Kensington Palace released a photo of Kate Middleton and her children, which was later retracted by wire services like the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Reuters, and Getty Images due to suspected manipulation.
- The photo, which was left up on the royal couple's Instagram account, was intended to combat conspiracy theories about Middleton's absence from the public eye following a surgery.
- The suspected manipulation has sparked further speculation and controversy, with the area around Princess Charlotte's hand drawing the most scrutiny for seeming inconsistencies.
- The incident highlights concerns about the use of artificial intelligence in creating realistic images, although the suspected manipulation in this case appears to be a botched Photoshop job rather than a high-tech AI manipulation.